Translucence Biosystems hosted a “Lunch and Learn” in collaboration with the UCI Optical Biology Core Facility. This event provided an opportunity for researchers, students, and individuals interested in light sheet imaging and 3D histology to learn how these techniques can accelerate their research.
When Nathan Hyman joined Translucence Biosystems as an undergraduate intern at the University of Michigan, he had no prior laboratory experience. Yet within months, Hyman was generating publication-quality 3D anatomical data that would later be featured at the 2024 Society for Neuroscience meeting. The following article describes how Hyman leveraged iDISCO-based tissue clearing methods, light sheet imaging, and Al-powered whole-brain object segmentation, to generate regionalized data across hundreds of brain regions.
Translucence Biosystems participated in and sponsored the 18th Annual LFD Workshop in Advanced Fluorescence Imaging and Dynamics, organized by the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics (LFD) at UC Irvine. This workshop brought together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and industry scientists interested in advancing fluorescence microscopy and imaging technologies.
Translucence Biosystems recently presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® (AAIC24) in Philadelphia. Co-Founder & CEO, Damian Wheeler, Ph.D., and expert Chase Redd shared tools, technologies, and 3D histology techniques that are accelerating Alzheimer's research.
Translucence Biosystems recently attended and sponsored the 21st Advanced Imaging Methods (AIM) Workshop, hosted by The Berkeley Cancer Research Laboratory Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) from January 23-25, 2024.
It was great to connect with fellow tissue clearing enthusiasts at the HCBI Tissue Clearing Workshop hosted by the Harvard Center for Biological Imaging. CEO Damian G. Wheeler and expert Chase Redd had an opportunity to discuss with attendees how the Translucence Biosystems team is generating tools and technologies for making 3D tissue clearing and AI-powered analysis accessible to all researchers.
No tissue clearing experience? No problem. Translucence Biosystems is excited to announce the release of our new kit and reagent products that enable researchers to achieve expert-level tissue clearing and staining in their own labs.
At the recent Society for Neuroscience Meeting, we presented our tissue clearing techniques for AI-powered brain-wide measurement of amyloid plaques and plaque-associated microglia (PAMs), our software and reagents for measuring neuronal activity, as well as debuted our Clearly Delicious™️ Gummy Brains.
Translucence Biosystems recently participated in the 9th Annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting: Open Science, New Tools! The conference, held on June 12-13, 2023, aimed to foster a dynamic and collaborative research community through interactions among like-minded scientists who study the brain.
Co-Founder and CEO, Damian Wheeler, presented a poster titled "Brain-Wide Cellular-Resolution Quantification of Microglia and Amyloid" at the Neurodegeneration: New Biology Guiding the Next Generation of Therapeutic Development conference hosted by the by Keystone Symposia on Molecular & Cellular Biology.
At the BIO-SEE 2023 Webinar Series, Damian Wheeler Ph.D., CEO of Translucence Biosystems, presented the company's innovative approach to brain-wide single-cell imaging in a talk entitled "Brain-wide single-cell resolution imaging and machine learning-enabled quantification".
Co-Founder, Sunil Gandhi Ph.D., gave a talk entitled "Brain-wide single-cell resolution anatomics" at the recent 20th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop hosted by the CRL Molecular Imaging Center at the University of California, Berkeley. The talk focused on new statistical methods for handling the hierarchical anatomical definitions of the Allen Brain Atlas.
Our team has been working with Lundbeck to monitor therapeutic antibody biodistribution in the brain using tissue clearing and light sheet imaging. Our CEO, Damian Wheeler, Ph.D. presented our findings in our poster titled the "Brain-Wide Cellular-Resolution Measurement of Antibody Therapeutics."
Translucence Biosystems was proud to sponsor the 20th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, an event that brought together researchers and industry leaders to share the latest advancements in imaging technology.
The Translucence team, including Nate Guanzon, Chase Redd, and CEO Damian Wheeler presented our BRAIN Initiative-funded work on whole-brain quantification neuronal activity with Npas4 and cFos at SfN 2022.
Translucence presented their whole-brain regional assays for β-Amyloid plaques and microglia and their collaborative work with Lundbeck measuring antibody therapeutics crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier and homing in on their target.
Co-Founder, Sunil Gandhi Ph.D., presents at the 8th Annual Bench to Bedside Symposium hosted by the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine.
Recent advances in optical clearing and light sheet imaging have opened an exciting new avenue for brain-wide, cellular resolution immunostaining at the forefront of a dimensional shift from 2D to 3D histology. With access to the intricate anatomy of the whole intact brain, we are developing unbiased and complete pictures of brain pathology for pre-clinical studies.
Translucence Biosystems is honored to present at the Society for Neuroscience's 50th Annual Meeting. Our presentation is entitled, "Brain-wide cellular resolution snapshots of neuronal activity with Npas4 and cFos". View our presentation materials here.
Translucence Biosystems is a finalist in the Outstanding Emerging Technology Company category at Octane OC's 2021 High Tech Awards (HTA). Special thanks to University Lab Partners for making our work possible!
Sunil Gandhi Ph.D. discusses novel imaging technology that has the potential to dramatically enhance how researchers can locate drug effects in the central nervous system (CNS) for preclinical studies.
Credit for this work goes to an NIH-supported team that includes Ricardo Azevedo and Sunil Gandhi, at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of California, Irvine, and their collaborator Damian Wheeler, Translucence Biosystems, Irvine, CA. Azevedo is also an NIH National Research Service Award fellow and a Medical Scientist Training Program trainee with Gandhi.
Translucence Biosystems is honored to present at the 7th Annual BRAIN Initiative Investigators Meeting. Our presentation is entitled, "Measurement of Npas 4 and cFos for Brain-Wide Snapshots of Neuronal Activity" Access our presentation materials below.
The Neuro-Immune Axis: Reciprocal Regulation in Development, Health, and Disease conference, organized by Cell Press and Elsevier, brought together scientists and experts in the field of neuroscience and immunology. Translucence Biosystems had the opportunity to participate and present our groundbreaking research and developments in the brain wide imaging of neuroinflammation.
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